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doula services

I am a trained birth and post-natal doula working in East Kilbride and the surrounding areas, and would love to provide you and your family with unconditional love, support and nurturing as you bring your baby earthside and in the post natal period. 

What is a Doula? 

Doulas support families in pregnancy, birth and in the postnatal period by providing information, advocacy, and offering practical and emotional support.


Doulas do not advise, but provide informational support to enable you to make informed decisions about your maternity care. Doulas support different kinds of births and different parenting choices. They do not take a clinical role but work alongside midwives and doctors.

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Why Hire a Doula?

A systematic review of the evidence into continuous labour support showed that women who had a doula were less likely to:


  • Need any medicinal pain relief, like oral or IV analgesics

  • Receive an epidural or spinal

  • Have an instrument assisted birth (e.g. vacuum or forceps)

  • Give birth via c-section

  • Have a baby with a low 5-minute APGAR score (rating of baby’s overall status after birth)

  • Report a negative birth experience.


What Kind of Doula Am I? 

I KNOW how to empower women;


I have a nurturing, motherly nature and love taking care of people;


I am strong;


I laugh a lot with clients;


I have worked with hundreds of pregnant women since 2014 through my pre-natal yoga and birth preparation classes, and have extensive reviews on how my techniques help during labour;


I believe gentle, comfortable births are entirely possible;


I have experienced a number of different ways to birth my own babies: 

  • An emergency cesarean section,

  • A VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean)

  • A gentle elective cesarean section (due to placenta previa) and I have learned a lot through my own experience. Read my blog on gentle cesarean here.


I have learned so much over the years through formal training and my own study; and I know how I want you to feel during birth: an empowered, knowledgeable, competent, birthing GODDESS who is going to birth their baby with joy and ease!


Full details of pre-natal package:

Full details of post partum package:

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